何大叶(佟丽娅 饰)是一名精明强干的都市女性,虽然在事业上备受肯定,但感情生活一片空白的她还是被扣上了大龄剩女的貌似,虽然何大叶的家人们非常关注她的情感世界,但对于爱情和婚姻,何大叶始终怀抱着随缘的态度。 其实曾经,何大叶差一点就能够解决自己的终身大事了,只是在交换契约的节骨眼上,她的未婚夫罗畅退缩了,之后,两人和平分手,直到今天都是很要好的朋友。某日,何大叶偶然邂逅了名叫张猛(张亮 饰)的男子,此时的张猛正处于自己人生的低谷期,虽然要啥啥没有,但是何大叶还是在张猛的身上看到了优秀的品质,渐渐的,两人走到了一起。He Da Ye has always focused more on her career rather than her love life, and has, therefore, been seen by her peers as an old leftover-woman. She did once walk down the aisle with Luo Chang, but the marriage didn't last long and the two divorced and remained as close friends. Both of them cared and helped each other out, but never tried to get closer than that. That is, until the angry model Zhang Meng came into Da Ye's life who has his own problems with his career experiencing a stagnation.